***This post contains affiliate links for each book.
I found a new used book store! Well, it might be considered a book barn or book emporium actually… whatever that means. I had some extra time in town before I had to pick up a family member from a doctor’s appointment so I stopped in and bought a generous armful of books. The one book I really have been wanting to buy wasn’t there so I stopped by Barnes & Noble as well.
Total books purchased In Person: 7 Books
Amount Spent In Person: $46
Why not borrow books from the library instead?
I bought these books for two reasons:
#1 To read and review for YouTube and blog. (Plan to mark them up with highlighter to make this easier)
#2 To give away to clients and friends. (Try to find cheap copies whenever possible)
After my purchase, a friend mentioned that this store has a generous buy back program so even with the markings I will probably get a decent credit if I return any of them which might be best for a couple of them.
Here are the 7 books I will be reading:

The Millionaire Mind by Thomas J. Stanley …..$5 Used
I loved the first half of one of Thomas J. Stanley’s other books; “The Millionaire Next Door”. Just the first half because the second half was very statistic heavy and seemed a bit redundant. Statistics are great and I enjoyed the first few sets he shared but the second half of the book lost my interest. Mindset, mindset, mindset is what I hope to get from this book.

Make Money Not Excuses by Jean Chatzky …..$5 Used
At FinCon (a financial conference) last year was the first time I heard of Jean Chatzky. Admittedly, I didn’t read the jacket or Contents before I bought it. I had hoped it would be mostly about earning income, which is an area that I am trying to focus on right now. But I always love content about how to save money and control spending so I still think this will be an interesting read.

Quit Like a Millionaire by Kristy Shen and Bryce Leung …..$16 New
I learned about this book when one of the authors, Kristy Shen, was featured on the Playing with FIRE documentary about the Financial Independence movement. Kristy’s story piqued my interest so this is the book I am most excited about out of the haul and is the one book that I bought new. After looking for a used copy for many months I finally just caved.

Women & Money by Suze Orman …..$5 Used
I’ve never read a Suze Orman book. Statistically women are more likely to struggle with money than men. They end up with less money for retirement and are more likely to be below the poverty line than men. I hope she dives into some of the struggles that women face and address what should be done about it.

Unshakeable: Your Guide to Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins with Peter Mallouk …..$5 Used
This book comes highly recommended from a good friend of mine. After I bought this book, YouTube recommended to me an interview that Marie Forleo did with Tony about his Money Master the Game book and I wasn’t that impressed with his financial knowledge. Some of his YouTube videos go into money mindset so I think he is knowledgeable in that area and hopefully that’s what is in this book. Particularly, I like his ideas about raising your standards and how important that is to change your life.
Not Pictured:
Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg and Purple Cow by Seth Godin. Both $5 Used.
I have already read and thoroughly enjoyed Lean In. I just bought an extra copy to give away.
Purple Cow isn’t necessarily a personal finance book but I bought it to learn more about marketing.
Online Shopping…$42
I can’t be stopped! Found 3 books online that I really wanted.
Online Purch #1: The 4 Financial Languages: The Secrets to Communicating About Money, By Tarra R. Jackson …..$20 New.
Online Purch #2: The Money Manual: A Practical Money Guide to Help You Succeed On Your Financial Journey, By Tonya B. Rapley.
Online Purch #3: The 21-Day Financial Fast: Your Path to Financial Peace and Freedom, By Michelle Singletary.
What am I currently reading?
Cruising through The Richest Man In Babylon by George S. Clason right now. This is a short book but I have the original edition so thou hast doth been quite difficulteth to readeth.
Thanks for reading along!
For Discussion:
*What are you reading?
*Which of these books are on your reading list?
Looking for book recommendations?
Check out my new Recommendations page HERE. (Contains Affiliate links)
Happy reading!